
Showing posts from September, 2018

Programming languages

computer languages computer is a machine that can not do any work on its own. It needs some instructions to perform the task accordingly. A set of instructions that is given to a computer is called as program and the process of writing a program is called as programming. The person who writes the program is called as programmer. The programs are written in specific language called as programming language. They act as communicational tool between the programmer and the computer. Each language has a unique set of keywords and a special Syntax to organize program instructions. Computer language can be classified into two types:- (1) Low level language (2) high level language

Computer Knowledge

                      COMPUTER  A computer is an electronic machine that can perform airthmetical and logical calculation. It is a machine that accepts the data from the users, process the data using the instructions provided by users and then returns the results to the user. It consist of two main components Hardware and software.                     It is also known as data-processor because it can process the data, Store it and retrieve data whenever required. It is a device that gathered data from various incoming sources, merge them all, sort them in the desired order and finally print them in desire formats.